Impact Rooms

Empower Your Community To Connect, Transact & Interact

Turn your network of People, Companies and Investors into a collaborative digital marketplace.

Say goodbye to the need for multiple disconnected tools 

Community Account

A centralized hub to unifiy, manage, track and scale your stakeholder community.

Unify and streamline your network management. Match, connect, and track stakeholders at scale for cohesive network management.

Drive connections, interactions and transactions between your stakeholders through virtual rooms, resources sharing and communications.

Our powerful AI model enables a personalized and scalable experience for every member of your network.

Your People

Empower professional and personal growth for the individuals in your network. 

People can effortlessly with likeminded professionals and organizations across your community. Our platform simplifies networking, making it easier to find opportunities, collaborate, and grow professionally.

People in your network can unlock personalized opportunities that match their unique career ambitions and personal interests; facilitated through Impact Rooms’ technology.

People can create and manage multiple roles and projects seamlessly with our robust multi-account management, designed to empower and unify professional endeavors.

Your Companies

Personalize value for companies in your network by matching to relevant resources.

Easily match and connect your companies to investors, talent and resources across your community. Helping your companies grow and scale effectively.

Facilitate seamless communication and resource exchange between your companies, boosting engagement and collaboration.

Allowing your companies to build trust and efficiency with a central source of truth in company profiles; combining data, documents and connections.

Your Investors

Streamline your investors dealflow, fundraising and portfolio management.

Our AI matches your investors to deal opportunites across your community that align perfectly with their criteria.  Saving them considerable time and increasing your value.

Investors can automate insights and reporting on their pipeline, interactions and portfolio by centralizing data into one seamless user interface.

Connect likeminded investors across your network directly or into Rooms to collaborate on deals and share opportunities.